Expense management software that connects to Fortnox


Streamline expenses and accounting solutions today with Xpensit. Reduce time spent managing business expense claims by integrating Xpensit with Fortnox Accounting Software.

expense management software that connects with fortnox
expense management reports

Expense management software that connects to Fortnox

Connecting Xpensit to Fortnox:

Takes as little as 10 seconds

Ideal for small businesses in any industry

Save time on expense management

Reduce time-consuming data entry with direct integration

All under one roof

Why integrate expense management software with Fortnox?



Log in and view expense reports at any time.


Anytime, anywhere

Run your business on the go and create claims anytime, anywhere, any device.


Faster reimbursement

Faster reimbursement = happier team members.


Reconcile in seconds

Reconcile in seconds. It only takes a few clicks.

View our other integration partners

Connect Xpensit’s cloud-based expense claims management software with your existing platforms and automate your processes.

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